Where they provide an optimum supply of medicinal products in relation to the needs of the resident population and the location chosen by the applicant pharmacist within a district defined in article L. 5125-3-1, a municipality or the municipalities referred to in article L. 5125-6-1, are authorised by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, under the following conditions:
1° Transfers and mergers of pharmacies, provided that they do not compromise the necessary supply of medicinal products to the resident population of the district, municipality or municipalities of origin.
The supply of medicinal products is compromised when there is no pharmacy in the district, the municipality or the neighbouring municipality that is accessible to the public on foot or by motorised transport that meets the conditions laid down by decree, and that has parking spaces available;
2° The opening of a pharmacy through the creation of a new pharmacy, if the demographic conditions laid down in article L. 5125-4 have been met for two years from the publication of the most recent census referred to in the same article and if no decision authorising this opening by means of transfer or grouping has been taken within this period in the following areas:
a) In the zones franches urbaines-territoires entrepreneurs mentioned inarticle 42 of law no. 95-115 of 4 February 1995 on land use planning and development;
b) In the priority neighbourhoods for urban policy defined inarticle 5 of law no. 2014-173 of 21 February 2014 on programming for the city and urban cohesion;
c) In the rural revitalisation zones defined byarticle 1465 A of the General Tax Code.