I.-The Director General of the Regional Health Agency assesses the drug supply needs of the population in the territory for which he is responsible as part of the regional health plan provided for in 2° of article L. 1434-2.
It determines by decree the territories in which access to medicines for the population is not guaranteed in a satisfactory manner. A decree determines the conditions under which these territories are defined, based on the demographic, health and social characteristics of their population, the pharmaceutical supply and its foreseeable development, or, where applicable, the specific geographical features of the area.
This decree is issued after consultation with the Conseil de l’ordre des pharmaciens, the Union régionale des professionnels de santé pharmaciens, the regional representative appointed by each trade union representing the profession within the meaning ofarticle L. 162-33 of the French Social Security Code, and the Conférence régionale de la santé et de l’autonomie.
II -In the territories defined in I of this article, the agreement referred to in article L. 162-16-1 of the Social Security Code may include measures designed to promote or maintain pharmaceutical supply.
III – The Director General of the Regional Health Agency may provide for measures to promote or maintain a pharmaceutical supply under the provisions of article L. 1435-8 of this Code.