In order to cover the management of loans and exposures referred to in articles L. 513-3 to L. 513-7, obligations foncières or other resources benefiting from the preferential right defined in article L. 513-11, sociétés de crédit foncier may use forward financial instruments, as defined in article L. 211-1.
However, sums due in respect of forward financial instruments entered into by sociétés de crédit foncier to hedge their assets and liabilities, where applicable after offsetting, benefit from the preferential right referred to in article L. 513-11, as do sums due in respect of forward financial instruments entered into by sociétés de crédit foncier to manage or hedge the overall risk on the assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items of these companies.
The sociétés de crédit foncier ensure that the volume of forward financial instruments they use is adjusted in the event of a reduction in the hedged risk and that they are terminated when the hedged risk disappears.
Amounts due in respect of forward financial instruments used to hedge transactions referred to in II of Article L. 513-2 do not benefit from this privilege.
Securities and sums received by a société de crédit foncier as collateral for the hedging transactions referred to in this article are not taken into account when calculating the maximum share referred to in article L. 513-7.