The emploi d’avenir is concluded in the form of a contrat d’accompagnement dans l’emploi (employment support contract) governed by section 2 of this chapter or a contrat initiative-emploi (employment initiative contract) governed by section 5 of the same chapter, as appropriate. The provisions relating to these contracts apply to the emploi d’avenir, subject to the specific provisions set out in this section.
Personalised professional and, where applicable, social monitoring of the beneficiary of a future job is provided during working time by the institution mentioned in article L. 5312-1 or by one of the bodies mentioned in article L. 5314-1 or in 1° bis of article L. 5311-4 or by the person mentioned in 2° of article L. 5134-19-1. An assessment of the beneficiary’s career plan and the follow-up given to the future job is carried out, in particular, two months before the expiry of the aid relating to the future job.