Any employer of a company with fewer than three hundred employees has the right to obtain precise information within a reasonable timeframe when he or she contacts the authorities on a question relating to the application of a provision of employment law or the stipulations of the collective agreements and conventions applicable to him or her.
This right to information may relate to the legal steps and procedures to be followed in a given situation. If the request is sufficiently precise and complete, the document formalising the administration’s position can be produced by the company in the event of a dispute to prove its good faith.
To ensure that this right is implemented, a territorial public service for access to the law is set up by the regional director of companies, competition, consumption, labour and employment, who involves representatives of trade union and professional organisations, the consular chambers mentioned inarticle L. 710-1 of the Commercial Code,article L. 511-1 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code and the article 5-1 of the Code de l’artisanat, the joint inter-professional committees mentioned in article L. 23-111-1 of this code, the departmental councils for access to the law mentioned inarticle 54 of law no. 91-647 of 10 July 1991 relating to legal aid and any other competent person.