I. – Payment service providers shall inform the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution of any major operational incident without undue delay.
II. – Payment service providers shall inform the Banque de France without undue delay of any major security incident. The Banque de France shall assess the incident and, if necessary, take appropriate measures. If it considers it necessary, it shall inform the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution pursuant to Article L. 631-1.
III. – Where the incident affects or is likely to affect the financial interests of its payment service users, the payment service provider shall inform its payment service users without undue delay of the incident and of any available measures they may take to mitigate the harmful effects of the incident.
IV. – Upon receipt of the notification referred to in I or II, the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution or the Banque de France shall, without undue delay, communicate the material details of the incident to the European Banking Authority and the European Central Bank and, after assessing the relevance of the incident for other relevant national authorities, inform them accordingly.
V. – The procedures for the notifications provided for in I to III are specified by order of the Minister for the Economy and Finance.