The union is dissolved:
a) Either automatically on expiry of the term set by the decision establishing it or on completion of the operation it was intended to carry out or when it no longer has more than one member commune or on the date of transfer to a public establishment for intercommunal cooperation with its own tax status or to a mixed union falling within the articles L. 5711-1 or L. 5721-2 of the services for which it was established. In the latter case, the member municipalities of the dissolved syndicat automatically become members of the syndicat mixte to which the syndicat de communes has transferred all of its powers. The syndicat mixte is substituted for the dissolved syndicat de communes under conditions identical to those provided for, for the dissolution of a syndicat mixte, in the third to last paragraphs of Article L. 5711-4 ;
b) Or by the consent of all the municipal councils concerned.
It may be dissolved:
a) Either at the reasoned request of the majority of these municipal councils by order of the representative(s) of the State in the department(s) concerned;
b) Or ex officio by a decree issued on the assent of the Conseil d’Etat.
A copy of the dissolution order or decree is sent to the departmental council for information.
The dissolution order or decree determines, in compliance with the provisions of Articles L. 5211-25-1 and L. 5211-26 and, without prejudice to the rights of third parties, the conditions under which the association is wound up.
The distribution of the staff concerned between the member municipalities may not give rise to a release from management. The personnel concerned are appointed to a post at the same level and taking into account their acquired rights. The recipient municipalities bear the corresponding financial costs.