Revenue for the conurbation community’s budget includes:
1° The tax resources mentioned in I and V of article 1379-0 bis of the General Tax Code.
The conurbation community may, in addition, collect, in respect of the competence of organising authority for the public distribution of electricity mentioned in article L. 2224-31, provided that this competence is not already exercised by an authority mentioned in Article L. 5212-24, the communal share under the conditions set out in article L. 2333-2 in place of communes whose population as recorded by the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies on 1st January of the year preceding that for which the share is due is less than or equal to 2,000 inhabitants. For other municipalities, this share may be collected by the agglomeration community in place of the municipality if this is decided by joint decision of the grouping and the municipality concerned taken under the conditions provided for in I of article 1639 A bis of the General Tax Code. The conurbation community may pay back to a commune a fraction of the share collected in respect of the latter’s territory, by concurring deliberations taken under the conditions provided for in the first paragraph of the same I;
2° Income from the property, movable or immovable, of the conurbation community;
3° Sums it receives from public administrations, associations, private individuals, in exchange for a service rendered ;
4° Subsidies and grants from the State, the region, the department and the municipalities;
5° Proceeds from gifts and bequests;
6° Proceeds from taxes, fees and contributions corresponding to the services provided;
7° Proceeds from loans;
8° Proceeds from the payment intended to finance mobility services provided for in Article L. 2333-64;
9° La dotation de compensation de la réforme de la taxe professionnelle et le reversement du Fonds national de garantie individuelle des ressources;
10° Le cas échéant, le produit des taxes prévues aux articles 1528, 1529, 1530 and 1530 bis of the General Tax Code;
11° The fraction of value-added tax provided for in A to E of V of Article 16 of Finance Act no. 2019-1479 of 28 December 2019 for 2020.