The Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé may impose special conditions on, restrict or suspend the testing, manufacture, preparation, import, use, export, wholesale distribution, packaging, storage, placing on the market free of charge or against payment, holding with a view to sale or free distribution, advertising, putting into service, use, prescription, supply or administration of a product or group of products mentioned in Article L. 5311-1, not subject to authorisation or registration prior to being placed on the market, put into service or used, when this product or group of products either presents or is suspected of presenting, under normal conditions of use or under reasonably foreseeable conditions, a danger to human health, or is placed on the market, put into service or used in breach of the legislative or regulatory provisions applicable to it. The suspension is pronounced either for a period not exceeding one year in the case of danger or suspicion of danger, or until the product or group of products is brought into compliance in the case of infringement of the legislative or regulatory provisions.
The Agency may prohibit these activities in the event of serious danger or suspected serious danger to human health.
Except in emergencies, the natural or legal person concerned must be given the opportunity to present its observations before the measures provided for above are taken.