The local missions for the professional and social integration of young people, as part of their public employment service mission, aim to help young people aged 16 to 25 to resolve all the problems posed by their professional and social integration by providing reception, information, guidance and support in accessing initial or continuing vocational training or employment.
They promote consultation between the various partners with a view to reinforcing or supplementing the actions carried out by them, particularly for young people experiencing particular difficulties with professional and social integration.
They contribute to the implementation of the training obligation defined in article L. 114-1 of the Education Code.
They contribute to the development and implementation, in their area of responsibility, of a concerted local policy for the professional and social integration of young people.
As such, the local missions are recognised as participating in the identification of situations requiring access to social rights, prevention and care, and as implementing actions and directing young people towards competent services that enable the young person concerned to be taken in charge by the mainstream health system and to take responsibility for his or her own health capital.
The results achieved by the local missions in terms of professional and social integration, as well as the quality of the reception, information, guidance and support they provide for young people, are evaluated under conditions set out in an agreement with the State, the region and the other local authorities that fund them. The funding granted takes account of these results.
By way of derogation from article L. 5131-3 and the first paragraph of this article, local missions may support young people who are recognised as disabled workers up to the age of twenty-nine under the youth commitment contract provided for in article L. 5131-6.