Each year, by 15 October at the latest, the Government sends Parliament and the social partners managing the body referred to in Article L. 5427-1 a report on the financial situation of the unemployment insurance scheme, specifying in particular the measures implemented to help achieve financial equilibrium in the medium term and those likely to be implemented.
If this report shows a significant difference between the financial trajectory of the unemployment insurance scheme and the financial trajectory provided for by the agreement mentioned in article L. 5422-20, or if the financial trajectory decided by the legislator as part of the public finance programming law changes significantly, the Prime Minister may ask the representative employers’ and employees’ organisations at national and cross-industry level to take the necessary measures to correct this difference by amending the agreement mentioned in the same article L. 5422-20, within a timeframe that he/she determines. To this end, the Prime Minister shall send a framework document to the aforementioned organisations under the conditions set out in Article L. 5422-20-1.
The provisions of section 5 of this chapter are applicable to the amendment of the agreement referred to in article L. 5422-20 made under the provisions of this article.
Where no agreement meeting the conditions of the second paragraph of Article L. 5422-22 is concluded, the Prime Minister may terminate the approval of the agreement that he had asked the representative employers’ and employees’ organisations at national and cross-industry level to amend. The last paragraph of article L. 5422-20 will then apply.