For the reimbursement of allowances, grants and any other benefits unduly paid by Pôle emploi, on its own behalf, on behalf of the State or the employers mentioned in Article L. 5424-1, Pôle emploi may, if the debtor does not dispute the undue nature thereof, make deductions from future instalments due for any reason whatsoever, with the exception of the allowances mentioned in the second paragraph of this Article.
For the reimbursement of allowances unduly paid by Pôle emploi on behalf of the body responsible for managing the unemployment insurance scheme referred to in Article L. 5427-1, Pôle emploi may, if the debtor does not dispute that the payment is undue, make deductions from future instalments due in this respect.
The amount of the deductions provided for in the first two paragraphs of this article may not exceed a ceiling set in accordance with procedures defined by regulation, except in the event of full repayment of the debt in a single instalment if the beneficiary opts for this solution.