A national register of professional qualifications is drawn up and updated by the national institution called France Compétences referred to in article L. 6123-5.
The professional certifications registered in the national register of professional certifications allow validation of the skills and knowledge acquired and required to carry out professional activities. They are defined, in particular, by a list of activities which describes the work situations and activities carried out, the trades or jobs targeted, a list of skills which identifies the skills and knowledge, including cross-disciplinary skills, which derive from them and an assessment list which defines the criteria and procedures for assessing what has been learned.
Professional qualifications are classified by level of qualification and field of activity. The classification by level of qualification is established in accordance with a national framework of professional certifications defined by decree, which determines the criteria for grading skills in relation to jobs and possible correspondences with the certifications of countries belonging to the European Union.
Professional qualifications are made up of blocks of skills, which are homogeneous and coherent sets of skills contributing to the independent exercise of a professional activity and which can be assessed and validated.