France Compétences is a national public institution with legal personality and financial autonomy. It is responsible for
1° To pay funds to the skills operators mentioned in article L. 6332-1 for additional financing of apprenticeship and professionalisation contracts and retraining or promotion through work-linked training mentioned in article L. 6324-1, as part of inter-branch equalisation, as well as to ensure the financing of aid for driving licences and to pay funds to the Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale to finance the training costs of apprentices employed by local authorities and establishments, in accordance with the procedures laid down by decree ;
2° Paying funds to the regions to finance apprentice training centres, under article L. 6211-3, in accordance with the procedures defined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, adopted after consultation with the regions;
3° To ensure the distribution and payment of funds from the contributions mentioned in I of article L. 6131-4 and articles L. 6331-48, L. 6331-53 and L. 6331-65 dedicated to the financing of vocational training, according to the conditions for using the resources allocated, the number of employees and the categories of the public, under conditions set by a decree which specifies, in particular, the list of information relating to companies liable for these contributions sent to France Compétences by the bodies responsible for collecting these funds. These funds are allocated :
a) To the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, to finance the personal training account ;
b) To the State, for training jobseekers;
c) To skills operators, according to their field of intervention, for skills development assistance for companies with fewer than fifty employees and for the financing of work-linked training in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by decree;
d) The regions;
e) The operator responsible for paying driving licence assistance;
f) The operators responsible for implementing professional development advice designated under 4°;
g) The regional joint inter-professional committees mentioned in article L. 6323-17-6;
h) To the training insurance funds for non-salaried workers mentioned in article L. 6332-9, on the basis of the nature of the self-employed worker’s activity determined under the conditions mentioned in the fifth to eighth paragraphs of article L. 6331-50 ;
4° Organising and funding career development advice for all employed persons, excluding public sector employees, in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by decree;
4° bis To take any measure aimed at balancing the budget for which it is responsible, in particular by revising the recommendations mentioned in a and f of 10° of this article. The budget is deemed to be balanced when total expenditure does not exceed existing revenue, including retained earnings and excluding bank loans;
5° To pay the regional inter-professional joint committees mentioned in article L. 6323-17-6 funds to finance the professional transition projects mentioned in article L. 6323-17-1 and the professional retraining projects mentioned in 4° of the I of article L. 4163-7, in accordance with the procedures laid down by decree;
6° Monitoring, observing and ensuring the transparency of costs and the rules governing the funding of vocational training, where service providers receive funding from a skills operator, the commission referred to in Article L. 6323-17-6, the training insurance funds for non-salaried workers, the State, the regions, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Pôle emploi and the institution mentioned in article L. 5214-1, to collect information from training providers for this purpose and to publish indicators for assessing the added value of training initiatives. To this end, it is involved in implementing the information sharing provided for in article L. 6353-10 and reports annually on the use of vocational training funds and vocational development advice. Apprentice training centres are required to send France Compétences any information relating to the determination of their costs;
7° Contribute to monitoring and evaluating the quality of the training provided. To this end, it issues an opinion on the national reference framework mentioned in Article L. 6316-3 ;
8° Drawing up the national register of professional qualifications provided for in Article L. 6113-1 and the specific register provided for in Article L. 6113-6;
9° Monitoring the implementation of regional plan contracts for the development of vocational training and guidance as defined in I of article L. 214-13 of the Education Code. To this end, France Compétences will receive these regional training and vocational guidance development plan contracts and their annual implementation agreements;
10° Issue recommendations on :
a) The level and rules for funding work-linked training in order to promote convergence and contribute to the objective of financial equilibrium of the continuing vocational training and apprenticeship system;
b) The quality of the training provided, in particular with regard to its results in terms of access to employment and qualifications;
c) The coordination of measures relating to guidance, vocational training and employment;
d) Ensuring equal access to continuing vocational training and apprenticeships for all employees;
e) Any question relating to continuing vocational training and apprenticeships, in particular their access and funding;
f) The terms and conditions and rules for funding allocated under the personal training account referred to in article L. 6323-17-1 of this code, with a view to harmonising them throughout the country and ensuring the sustainability of the continuing vocational training and apprenticeship system;
11° Implementing all other actions relating to continuing vocational training and apprenticeships entrusted to it by the State, the regions and the trade union organisations representing employees and the professional organisations representing employers at national and cross-industry level;
12° Report any malfunctions identified in the course of its vocational training duties to the State’s inspection services;
13° To consolidate, lead and publicise the work of the prospective observatories for trades and qualifications mentioned in article L. 2241-4;
14° To finance satisfaction surveys to assess the quality of the services offered, particularly with regard to the missions of the skills operators mentioned in 1° of I of article L. 6332-1. These surveys are carried out among a significant proportion of the companies covered by the collective agreements of the branches belonging to each skills operator, as well as among the training bodies that the operator finances. These surveys are forwarded to the State, so that their results can be taken into account in drawing up and evaluating the agreements on objectives and resources referred to in the same article L. 6332-1 ;
15° Transferring to the skills operators in the branches concerned the amounts received in respect of additional contributions for the development of continuing vocational training, created by a national professional agreement concluded pursuant to article L. 6332-1-2, and collected by the bodies mentioned in articles L. 213-1 and L. 752-4 of the Social Security Code and article L. 723-2 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code;
16° Drawing up, distributing and updating, at intervals set by decree, tables of correspondence between branches and companies that are members of skills operators, with a view to facilitating employers’ declarations, and guiding the allocation to skills operators of funds collected by the bodies mentioned in Articles L. 225-1-1 of the Social Security Code and L. 723-11 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code.