I.-The chairman of the grouping’s medical commission has the following duties and responsibilities:
1° In conjunction with the chair of the strategic committee, he/she coordinates the development and implementation of the shared medical project;
2° He/she coordinates the territorial hospital grouping’s medical policy;
3° In conjunction with the chair of the strategic committee, he/she ensures that the establishments’ medical projects are consistent with the shared medical project;
4° In conjunction with the chair of the strategic committee, he/she defines the territorial policy for continuous improvement in the quality, safety and appropriateness of care, as well as the conditions under which users are received and treated.
The Chairman of the Group Medical Commission keeps the Commission regularly informed about the performance of its duties and responsibilities.
II. -A governance charter is agreed between the chair of the group medical commission and the chair of the strategic committee. This charter specifies in particular:
1° The procedures for the participation of the chair of the grouping medical commission in discussions with external authorities or organisations;
2° The material and human resources made available to the chair of the grouping medical commission.
III – A decree determines the procedures for carrying out the duties of chair of the grouping medical commission.