In towns with medical and pharmaceutical training and research units, the universities, as far as these units are concerned, and the regional hospital centres jointly organise all their services as hospital and university centres.
The universities and the regional hospital centres retain their legal personality and their respective administrative bodies; they are required to enter into agreements to specify the strategic guidelines and the procedures for implementing the university hospital policy between the university and the regional hospital centre.
These agreements are drawn up in accordance with the multiannual contracts for objectives and resources mentioned in article L. 6114-1, the establishment projects mentioned in article L. 6143-2, the multi-annual establishment contracts mentioned in article L. 711-1 of the Education Code and State-Region project contracts.
In particular, they cover the university’s policy on research involving the human being and the procedures for its deployment within the hospital and university centre and the procedures for the participation of the regional hospital centre and, where appropriate, other healthcare establishments in university and post-graduate teaching.
Health establishments as well as public scientific and technological establishments or other research bodies may be associated with these agreements for all or part of their clauses.
These agreements are reviewed every five years.
University and hospital legislation and regulations remain respectively applicable to these centres, each in its own field, subject to the exemptions provided for by this chapter and its implementing texts.