The territorial public health establishment receives a subsidy from the State for the tasks provided for in 2° and 3° of article L. 6147-3, which it carries out on behalf of the State.
The tasks mentioned in 1° of article L. 6147-3 constitute a subsidiary activity within the meaning of article L. 6145-7. The selling price of medicines and medical devices is determined respectively under the conditions of article L. 5123-1 of the present code for the former and, under the conditions of article L. 165-3 of the Social Security Code, for the latter.
In the territorial public health establishment of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, the proportion of expenditure covered by compulsory health insurance schemes is financed by an annual grant. This allocation is included in the objective defined in article L. 174-1-1 of the Social Security Code. Its amount and the total annual amount of authorised hospital expenditure are set by the ministers responsible for health and social security on the basis of the health insurance expenditure target defined in the same article, the health needs of the population, the guidelines of the Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon health organisation plan and national or local health policy priorities, taking into account the activity and costs of the establishment. The amount of authorised hospital expenditure represents the proportion of the establishment’s expenditure taken into account when setting the annual funding allocation and service charges. This amount is restrictive.
For the tasks mentioned in the third paragraph of article L. 6147-3, the annual funding allocation mentioned in the previous paragraph covers the proportion of expenditure covered by the health insurance scheme.
Notwithstanding the provisions of article L. 174-2 of the Social Security Code, the annual funding allocation is paid by the social welfare fund mentioned in article 3 of order no. 77-1102 of 26 September 1977 extending and adapting various provisions relating to social affairs to the Department of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. The contribution of the Etablissement National des Invalides de la Marine to the financing of the annual endowment paid by the social welfare fund is set by agreement between the two schemes. In the absence of an agreement, the contribution of the Etablissement national des invalides de la marine is set by order of the minister responsible for social security.