By way of derogation from article L. 6221-1 and the second paragraph of article L. 6222-4 and in order to carry out seasonal activities within the meaning of 3° of article L. 1242-2, two employers may jointly conclude an apprenticeship contract with any person eligible for this contract pursuant to articles L. 6222-1 and L. 6222-2. By way of derogation from article L. 6211-1, the aim of this contract may be to obtain two professional qualifications attested by a diploma or a professional qualification registered in the national register of professional certifications.
A tripartite agreement signed by the two employers and the apprentice is attached to the apprenticeship contract. It sets out :
1° The allocation of the apprentice between the two companies during the course of the contract according to a predefined timetable, as well as the number of hours worked in each company ;
2° The conditions for setting up tutoring between the two companies;
3° The designation of the employer required to pay the remuneration due for each period devoted by the apprentice to the training provided in the apprentice training centres and apprenticeship sections.
The first paragraph of article L. 6222-18 is applicable at the initiative of the apprentice or one of the employers.
The apprentice has an apprentice master, within the meaning of article L. 6223-5, in each of the companies.
The contract may be terminated, under the conditions laid down in article L. 6222-18, at the initiative of the two employers or one of them, which shall bear the financial consequences of a termination to its detriment.