I.-The rights registered on the personal training account enable its holder to finance training that is eligible for the account, within the meaning of articles L. 6323-6, L. 6323-21, L. 6323-31 and L. 6323-34.
The holder contributes to the funding of eligible training under the conditions set out in article L. 6323-7.
II -When the cost of this training exceeds the amount of rights registered in the account or the ceilings mentioned in articles L. 6323-11, L. 6323-11-1, L. 6323-27 and L. 6323-34 respectively, the account may, at the request of its holder, be topped up with additional rights to ensure the financing of this training. These top-ups may be financed in particular by :
1° The holder himself/herself ;
2° The employer, if the account holder is an employee;
3° A skills operator;
4° The body referred to in article L. 4163-14, responsible for managing the professional prevention account, at the request of the individual, under conditions determined by decree by the Conseil d’Etat ;
5° The bodies responsible for managing the occupational injury and disease branch pursuant toarticle L. 221-1 of the Social Security Code, at the request of the person concerned, under conditions determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat;
6° The State ;
7° The regions;
8° Pôle emploi ;
9° The institution mentioned in article L. 5214-1 of this code;
10° A training insurance fund for non-salaried workers as defined in article L. 6332-9 of this Code orarticle L. 718-2-1 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code;
11° A regional chamber of trades and crafts or a regional chamber of trades and crafts;
12° Another local authority;
13° The public establishment responsible for managing the health reserve mentioned inarticle L. 1413-1 of the Public Health Code;
14° The unemployment insurance body mentioned in article L. 5427-1 of this code.
III – With the exception of the holder of the personal training account, the funders mentioned in II may add to the holder’s account. The sums corresponding to this additional funding are paid to the body mentioned in article L. 6333-1 under conditions set by decree by the Conseil d’Etat.