I. – All account holders are informed of the amount of entitlement in their account and the top-ups they may receive by accessing a free dematerialised service. This dematerialised service also provides information on eligible training courses. It is responsible for paying for the training courses from the moment the account holder registers for the courses until payment is made to the service providers mentioned in article L. 6351-1.
II – An automated processing system for personal data, known as the “personal training account information system”, the implementation procedures for which are set by decree by the Conseil d’Etat, enables the management and use of the rights registered on the personal training account.
This processing includes the possibility for each account holder to have access to a guidance, training and skills passport, which may be consulted only by the account holder and which lists the training and qualifications received as part of initial or continuing training, as well as work experience, in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by decree.