Self-employed sea fishing workers and sea fishing employers with fewer than eleven employees, as well as self-employed sea farming workers and sea farming employers with fewer than eleven employees affiliated to the social scheme for seamen and, where applicable, their spouses, partners in a civil solidarity pact or cohabiting partners, employees or associates, pay each year, to finance their own training initiatives, as defined in article L. 6313-1, a contribution which may not be less than 0.15% of the annual amount of the social security ceiling.
This contribution is collected on a single occasion and audited by the body referred to inarticle L. 213-4 of the Social Security Code, in accordance with the rules and subject to the guarantees and penalties applicable to the collection of social security contributions. By way of derogation, the contribution due by agricultural non-salaried workers employed in the activities or in the businesses or establishments defined in 4° of article L. 722-1 of the rural and maritime fishing code and, where applicable, by their spouses, if they are employees or partners, is collected by the agricultural social security funds.
The annual amount of the collection of the contributions mentioned in the first paragraph of this article is paid by the bodies mentioned inarticle L. 723-11 of the rural and maritime fishing code andarticle L. 225-1-1 of the social security code to France Compétences, which, in accordance with the procedures set out in article L. 6123-5 of this code, distributes and allocates the funds:
1° To a skills operator approved under conditions determined by decree by the Conseil d’Etat ;
2° To the body mentioned in article L. 6333-1, for the financing of the personal training account ;
3° To the operators responsible for implementing professional development advice.
The amounts of the two fractions of the collection allocated to the financing of the personal training account for self-employed workers and to professional development advice are determined by an order of the ministers responsible for professional training, agriculture, seafarers and maritime fishing.