In order to finance the actions provided for in Article L. 6331-1 for the benefit of artists defined in Article L. 382-1 of the Social Security Code, the following is created:
1° An annual contribution from artists based on the income defined in article L. 382-3 of the same code. The rate of this contribution is 0.35%;
2° An annual contribution from the natural or legal persons mentioned in article L. 382-4 of the same code, based on the items mentioned in the second paragraph of the same article. The rate of this contribution is 0.1%.
The contributions provided for in 1° and 2° of this article are not exclusive of funding by authors’ societies.
The decree provided for in article L. 6323-8 may provide for specific arrangements to enable the management of the rights recorded or mentioned in the personal training account of artists and authors and their compatibility with the rights established under this article.