I.-The skills operator covers the following costs under the financial section mentioned in 1° of article L. 6332-3:
1° Apprenticeship and professionalisation contracts at the level set by the branches or, failing that, by a collective agreement between the representative employers’ and employees’ organisations that have signed an agreement establishing an inter-professional skills operator to manage continuing vocational training funds. For apprenticeship contracts, this level is determined according to the field of activity of the qualification or diploma in question. These levels of funding take into account the recommendations of France Compétences mentioned in 10° of article L. 6123-5 with regard to cost observation and levels of funding. The levels of reimbursement set by the branches may be adjusted according to criteria and an amount determined by decree, in particular when the employee is recognised as a disabled worker or when there are other sources of public funding. If the level of reimbursement is not fixed or if the recommendations are not taken into account by a date and within a period set by regulation, the procedures for determining reimbursement are defined by decree;
2° Capital expenditure to finance the equipment needed to carry out the training courses;
3° Expenses ancillary to the training of employees on apprenticeship or professionalisation contracts, in particular accommodation and catering, under conditions determined by decree;
4° Expenses incurred by the company for each employee, or for any employer with fewer than eleven employees, when he or she benefits from training as a tutor or apprenticeship master, limited to a maximum hourly ceiling and a maximum duration, as well as the costs incurred by the company in carrying out these functions, subject to monthly ceilings and maximum durations. The ceilings and durations mentioned in this 4° are set by decree;
5° The educational costs and ancillary costs of a retraining or promotion action through work-linked training mentioned in article L. 6324-1.
II.-The skills operator may also pay for the following under the conditions set out in I of this article:
1° Assessment, support, exam registration and training for beneficiaries of the contracts provided for in articles L. 6221-1 and L. 6325-5 in the event of breach of contract as defined in articles L. 1233-3, L. 1243-4 and L. 6222-18, in the cases provided for in article L. 6222-12-1 and in the event of the company being placed in receivership or liquidation;
2° Part of the cost of tutoring outside the company for:
a) The people mentioned in article L. 6325-1-1;
b) People who have been monitored by a mentor prior to signing a professionalisation contract or apprenticeship contract;
c) People who have not been in full-time employment on a permanent contract for three years prior to signing the professionalisation contract;
3° All or part of the loss of resources as well as costs of all kinds, including those corresponding to social security contributions and, where applicable, remuneration and ancillary expenses generated by the mobility outside national territory of apprentices and employees on professionalisation contracts in application of articles L. 6222-42 and L. 6325-25 ;
4° Actions covered by a framework cooperation agreement mentioned in b of 1° of II of article L. 6332-1, up to a ceiling set by regulation;
5° The remuneration of employees benefiting from retraining or promotion through work-linked training.