The medical committee is made up of representatives of the medical, odontological and pharmaceutical staff and a representative of the midwives. Its chairman is elected. A representative of the Agency Committee, elected from among its members, attends meetings in an advisory capacity.
The Medical Committee :
1° Together with the Director, prepares the Agency’s medical project, which defines the medical objectives for a maximum period of five years;
2° Together with the Director, it prepares measures for the organisation of the Agency’s medical, dental and pharmaceutical activities, in particular those relating to medical evacuations;
3° Together with the Director, prepare the guidelines and measures relating to the policy of continuous improvement in the quality and safety of care;
4° Organises the continuing education of practitioners and, to this end, prepares the corresponding training plans with the Director;
5° Deliberates on medical choices for the coming year within the limits of the allocated budget and taking into account decisions taken by the Board of Directors and the Director.
The Medical Committee may appoint its Chairman to prepare the measures mentioned in 1° and 2° of this article.
It shall draw up its own rules of procedure.