I.-It is punishable by the penalties laid down in Article 314-2 of the Criminal Code for any administrator, court-appointed agent, liquidator or plan execution commissioner, including any person appointed pursuant to the provisions of the first paragraph of II of Article L. 812-2 or of III of the same article:
1° Deliberately harming the interests of the creditors or the debtor either by using for his own benefit sums received in the performance of his duties, or by being granted advantages that he knew were not due;
2° Making, in his own interest, of the powers at his disposal, a use that he knew to be contrary to the interests of the creditors or the debtor.
II.-The same penalties shall apply to any administrator, court-appointed agent, liquidator, commissioner for the implementation of the plan or any other person, with the exception of employees’ representatives, acquiring on his behalf, directly or indirectly, assets of the debtor or using them for his own benefit, having participated in any capacity whatsoever in the proceedings. The court seised shall declare the acquisition null and void and rule on any damages that may be claimed.