I. – Unless the Assembly of French Guiana objects under the conditions set out in article L. 7123-6, the standing committee deliberates on:
1° Authorise procedures for works, supply and service contracts;
2° Approve procedures for works, supply and service contracts for which the principle and appropriations have been voted by the Assembly;
3° Approving the leasing of local authority buildings and authorising the signing of leases entered into by the local authority;
4° Awarding grants presented by local authorities, unions and cooperatives, for the purchase of agricultural equipment;
5° Selling used items and old equipment ;
6° Approve various agreements and contracts, with the exception of contracts without prior formality, riders, memorandums of understanding for works, supplies and services, and authorise the Chairman to sign them;
7° Award project management contracts awarded in accordance with intermediate and competition procedures;
8° Authorising the Chairman to sign agreements for guarantees granted by the Assembly;
9° Awarding, within the limits set by the Assembly, direct or indirect aid introduced by regulations adopted by the Assembly.
II. – The Assembly of French Guyana may also delegate to the Standing Committee some of its powers not mentioned in I of this article, with the exception of those relating to the vote on the budget, the approval of the administrative account and measures of the same nature as those mentioned in article L. 1612-15.