I.-Members of territorial and regional chambers of commerce and industry are elected for five years.
No person may hold the office of president of a public establishment in the network of chambers of commerce and industry for more than fifteen years, regardless of the number of terms served. However, an elected member who reaches his fifteenth year as president during a term of office shall continue to hold that office until the end of the term.
For the election of members of territorial chambers of commerce and industry and members of regional chambers of commerce and industry, the voting constituency is the constituency of the territorial chamber of commerce and industry. Each elector, for the two aforementioned elections, votes in his professional category and, where applicable, sub-category determined in application of article L. 713-11.
II.-The following are eligible to vote in elections for members of territorial and regional chambers of commerce and industry:
1° In a personal capacity:
a) Traders registered in the register of commerce and companies in the district of the chamber of commerce and industry, subject, for general and general partners, to the provisions of III of article L. 713-2;
b) Company directors who are both registered in the national register of companies as a company in the trades and crafts sector and registered in the trade and companies register in the district;
c) The spouses of the persons listed in a or b above who have declared to the trade and companies register that they are collaborating in their spouse’s business without any other professional activity ;
d) Merchant navy captains exercising command of a ship registered in France whose home port is located in the district; maritime pilots exercising their duties in a port located in the district, civil aeronautics pilots domiciled in the district and exercising command of an aircraft registered in France.
2° Through a representative:
a) Commercial companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article L. 210-1 of this code and public establishments of an industrial and commercial nature whose registered office is located in the electoral division;
b) In respect of an establishment that is the subject in the electoral division of a supplementary registration or a secondary registration, unless exempted by the laws and regulations in force, the natural persons mentioned in a and b of 1° and the legal entities mentioned in a of this 2°, regardless of the electoral division in which these persons exercise their own voting rights;
c) Companies of a commercial nature whose registered office is located outside the national territory and which have an establishment registered in the electoral division in the Trade and Companies Register.
A member of a regional chamber of commerce and industry whose seat becomes vacant for any reason whatsoever, other than the cancellation of his or her election, shall be replaced until the renewal of the regional chamber of commerce and industry by the person elected at the same time as him or her for that purpose.