If the seat of Chairman falls vacant for any reason whatsoever, the duties of Chairman shall be performed provisionally by a Vice-Chairman in the order of appointment and, failing that, by a councillor appointed by the Meeting. A new election of the chairman and vice-chairmen shall be held within one month, in accordance with the procedures set out in articles L. 7223-1 et L. 7223-2.
In the event of the resignation of the president and all the vice-presidents, the assembly is convened by the oldest member either to proceed with the appointment of the councillor provided for in the first paragraph, or to proceed with a new election of the president and vice-presidents.
In the event of one or more vice-presidents’ seats falling vacant for any reason whatsoever, a new election is held within one month, in accordance with the procedures laid down, as appropriate, in the same articles L. 7223-1 or L. 7223-2.