Legal entities convicted of the offence provided for in the third paragraph of article L. 8256-2 are liable to the additional penalty of confiscation of all or part of their assets, whatever their nature.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Eight: Monitoring the application of employment legislation | Book II: Combating illegal employment | Title V: Employment of foreign nationals not authorised to work | Chapter VI: Criminal provisions. | Article L8256-8 of the French Labour Code
Legal entities convicted of the offence provided for in the third paragraph of article L. 8256-2 are liable to the additional penalty of confiscation of all or part of their assets, whatever their nature.
Les personnes morales condamnées au titre de l’infraction prévue au troisième alinéa de l’article L. 8256-2 encourent la peine complémentaire de confiscation de tout ou partie de leurs biens, quelle qu’en soit la nature.
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