Article L. 441-11 II is amended as follows:
1° 1° is worded as follows:
“1° For purchases of perishable agricultural and food products and frozen or deep-frozen meat, deep-frozen fish, ready-made meals and preserves made from perishable food products:
> a) Thirty days after the date of delivery of the product.
“a) Thirty days after the date of delivery;
“b) Or, in the case of a periodic invoice within the meaning of the provisions of the tax code applicable locally, thirty days after the end of the ten-day delivery period, unless a derogation is provided for in the standard multiannual contracts between suppliers of grapes or must intended for the production of wines subject to the circulation duties provided for in the same tax code and their direct purchasers;
“c) In the case of periodic invoices within the meaning of the provisions of the tax code applicable locally for purchases of seasonal products made under integration contracts concluded in the fruit and vegetable sector mentioned in articles L. 326-1 to L. 326-3 of the rural and maritime fishing code, thirty days from the end of the month during which the delivery is made. “
2° In 3°, the words: “in Article 403 of the General Tax Code” are replaced by the words: “by the provisions of the locally applicable tax code”