The State and the collectivity of Saint-Barthélemy exercise, each insofar as it is concerned, their right of ownership over their public domain and their private domain.
The local authority’s domain includes, in particular, property that is vacant and without a master, including securities, shares and cash deposits reached by prescription within the time periods provided for by the legislation applicable to the State’s domain and those of persons who die without an heir or whose estates have been abandoned.
The public maritime domain of the collectivity includes, subject to the rights of the State and third parties, the shores of the sea, the soil and subsoil of inland waters, in particular roadsteads and lagoons, as well as the soil and subsoil of territorial waters.
The provisions of the previous paragraph apply subject to the necessary rights of way, on the date of publication of the loi organique n° 2007-223 du 21 février 2007 portant dispositions statutaires et institutionnelles relatives à l’outre-mer, à l’exercice par l’Etat de ses compétences et tant que cette nécessité est justifiée.
The collectivity regulates and exercises the right to explore and the right to exploit the natural biological and non-biological resources of inland waters, in particular roads and ponds, the soil, subsoil and overlying waters of the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone in compliance with France’s international commitments and the State’s powers.