I. – A request for authorisation to adapt a legislative or regulatory provision shall be adopted by reasoned deliberation of the Assembly.
This deliberation shall mention the legislative or regulatory provisions in question or, where the request relates to the adaptation of a regulatory provision that has not yet been published and is necessary for the application of a legislative provision, the legislative provision in question.
It shall set out the particular characteristics and constraints justifying the request for authorisation and specify the purpose of the measures that the Assembly intends to take.
The request for authorisation may not relate to a legislative or regulatory provision falling within one of the matters referred to in the fourth paragraph of Article 73 of the Constitution nor intervene when the essential conditions for the exercise of a public freedom or a constitutionally guaranteed right are at stake.
II. – The request for authorisation lapses:
1° On the last day of the month preceding that of the renewal of the assembly;
2° On the day of the dissolution or the annulment of the election of all the members of the assembly that adopted it;
3° On the day of the vacancy of all the seats in the assembly other than in the cases provided for in 2°.