IV-1. Automatic financial aid for the production, development and production of short cinematographic works
IV-1.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for an investment allowance for the production and participation in the financing of the development of cinematographic works
(Articles 411-11 et seq.)
I.-.Investment approval :
1° The script or breakdown or, failing that, the argument;
2° A detailed estimate;
3° A financing plan, accompanied by all relevant supporting documents;
4° A copy of the co-production contract(s) with proof of their registration in the public cinema and audiovisual register;
5° A copy of the contracts of the director and other co-writers of the cinematographic work;
6° A “performers” sheet listing the roles, the names of the performers and their nationality;
7° A “technical creative collaborators” sheet listing the jobs, the names of the technical creative collaborators and their nationality.
II.-Financing authorisation:
1° Any document certifying that the short film has been selected for a festival grant;
2° A copy of the assignment or option contract relating to the literary and artistic property rights of the author(s) of the film with proof of registration in the public film and audiovisual register or in the register of options;
3° A provisional financing plan for the film.
IV-2. Selective financial assistance for the production, development and production of short cinematographic and audiovisual works
IV-2.1. Supporting documents to be attached to a pre-production application for the production of cinematographic works
(Articles 411-21 et seq)
I.-.Provisional decision:
1° An artistic dossier comprising the following elements:
a) A brief summary of the proposed work (Three lines maximum);
b) The screenplay for fiction and animation or the treatment for creative documentary;
c) A note of artistic intent;
d) A production note when the application is submitted by the production company;
e) For projects involving an author living abroad, an additional note from the French production company explaining the nature of its financial and artistic investment;
f) For animation projects: a partial or complete storyboard and a technical note on the animation process used;
g) Any relevant additional artistic elements;
2° A curriculum vitae:
a) Of the author(s) of the screenplay and the writer-director;
b) Of the production company, if applicable;
3° A simplified estimate and a provisional financing plan;
4° A certificate from the writer-director and, if applicable, the production company certifying that the project will not begin production before the commission has issued its opinion;
5° The option contract or the copyright assignment contract of the author-director showing the amount of remuneration, when the application is submitted by the production company;
6° The authorisation of the author or beneficiary (contract, letter or option) if the subject is taken from a pre-existing work;
7° A photocopy of the identity card of the author-director or of the legal representative of the production company.
II – Definitive award decision:
1° Copy of the work’s registration form with the French ISAN agency;
2° Copyright and co-production assignment contracts;
3° Technical director’s employment contract;
4° Updated detailed estimate and provisional financial plan;
5° Declaration of commencement of production co-signed by the writer-director.
IV-2.2. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for pre-production support for the production and development of a programme for the production of cinematographic works
(Articles 411-42 et seq.)
1° A general presentation of the production company (history, development, organisation chart, etc.).);
2° A detailed curriculum vitae of the producer(s);
3° Records of the career of works produced (maximum ten) that have obtained a cinematographic exhibition licence in the previous three years;
4° Technical presentation sheets accompanied by a note of production intent for each of the projects in the programme;
5° A progress report on projects previously supported (if applicable) as part of the support for production programmes and pre-production support, accompanied by supporting documents (work plan, etc.) and a certificate stating that the project is in progress.) and a sworn statement of completion of filming;
6° Possibly, a DVD compilation of all or part of the catalogue of works produced.
Two appendices to be attached separately:
Appendix 1:
-Proof of assignment (or option to acquire) of copyright in the projects.
Appendix 2:
Photocopies of cinematographic exhibition approvals;
– Proof of distribution for a maximum of ten works produced (to make it easier to check proof of distribution, distribution prior to and after 10 January 2011 must be grouped by heading (commercial distribution, promotion, etc.) and by work;
-Distribution tables.
IV-2.3. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for support for the creation of original music for cinematographic works
(Articles 411-60 et seq.)
1° A note of intent for the musical project co-signed by the composer, the director and the producer specifying, in particular, the planned instrumentalisation and the duration of the music;
2° A score, a mock-up and/or a sketch of the musical project;
3° A curriculum vitae of the composer;
4° A copy of the contract covering the composer’s literary and artistic property rights;
5° Where applicable, a copy of the contract concluded between the producer of the cinematographic work and a music publisher or producer who has contributed, in whole or in part, to the costs of producing the music.
IV-2.4. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for aid for the production of audiovisual works
(Articles 411-72 et seq.)
1° A copy of the registration form for the work with the French ISAN agency;
2° A presentation of the broadcaster’s editorial policy and the projected exhibition conditions for the work;
3° An attestation from the writer-director and, where applicable, the production company certifying that the project will not begin production before the committee has issued its opinion;
4° The screenplay;
5° A curriculum vitae of :
a) Of the author(s) of the screenplay and the writer-director;
b) Of the production company, if applicable;
6° A note of artistic intent from the writer-director;
7° A production note;
8° A detailed estimate showing the costs incurred in France and those incurred abroad;
9° A financing plan, accompanied by all relevant supporting documents;
10° A copy of the co-production contract(s);
11° A copy of the contracts of the director and other co-writers of the audiovisual work;
12° A “performers” sheet listing the roles, the names of the performers, their country of residence and their nationality;
13° A “technical creative collaborators” sheet listing the jobs, the names of the technical creative collaborators, their country of residence and their nationality;
14° The rights pre-purchase or co-production contract with the television or on-demand audiovisual media service publisher(s) indicating the duration of the audiovisual work.
IV-2.5. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for post-production funding
(Articles 411-87 et seq.)
1° A curriculum vitae of the director(s), producer(s) and music composer(s);
2° A copy of the festival selection(s) (or other criteria) for self-produced works or works produced by an association;
3° The credits of the work;
4° Two copies of a video copy of the work;
5° Any document proving selection at a festival or by an association when the grants are awarded to directors only;
6° A copy of the assignment contract(s) relating to the literary and artistic property rights of the author(s), together with proof that they are entered in the public film and audiovisual register or, in the absence of an assignment contract, a declaration on the director’s honour entered in the public film and audiovisual register and certifying that he/she alone holds the right to exploit the cinematographic work;
7° Where applicable, a copy of the assignment contract(s) relating to the literary and artistic property rights of the author(s) of the musical compositions accompanying the short film.
IV-2.6. List of French and foreign festivals taken into account for the allocation of pre-production grants for the production and development of a production programme and for the allocation of post-production grants
(Articles 411-45 and 411-88)
1° France :
Festival Tout Courts (Aix-en-Provence) ;
-Festival Itinérances (Alès) ;
-Festival International du Film de Comédie (Alpe D’Huez) ;
-Festival Premiers Plans (Angers) ;
-Festival International du Film d’animation (Annecy) ;
-Festival International du Film (Aubagne) ;
-Festival Entrevues (Belfort) ;
-Festival Européen du Film Court (Brest) ;
Festival du moyen métrage de Brive (Brive) ;
-Festival International du Film (Cannes) ;
-Quinzaine des Réalisateurs (Cannes) ;
-Semaine Internationale de la Critique (Cannes) ;
-Festival International du Court Métrage (Clermont-Ferrand) ;
-Festival International de Films de Femmes (Créteil) ;
-Festival international du film fantastique (Gérardmer);
Rencontres Cinématographiques (Gindou) ;
-Festival du Court Métrage en plein air (Grenoble) ;
-Plein la Bobine (La Bourboule) ;
-Rencontres audiovisuelles (Lille) ;
-Etats généraux du documentaire (Lussas) ;
-Festival International du documentaire (Marseille) ;
-Festival du Court Métrage d’Humour (Meudon) ;
-Festival International du Film Méditerranéen (Montpellier) ;
Un festival c’est trop court (Nice) ;
-Festival international du Film Court (Pantin) ;
-Festival de films documentaires-Cinéma du réel (Paris) ;
-Festival Paris Court Devant (Paris);
Festival Silhouette (Paris) ;
-Festival Hors Pistes (Paris) ;
-Festival européen du film fantastique (Strasbourg) ;
-Court Métrange (Rennes) ;
-Festival Off-courts (Trouville);
-Festival du Film Court (Villeurbanne);
2° Germany:
Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale);
-Oberhausen International Short Film Festival;
-Stuttgart International Animation Film Festival (Trickfilm);
-Berlin Interfilm Festival;
3rd England:
-Leeds International Film Festival;
4° Australia:
-Melbourne International Film Festival ;
-Sydney Short Film Festival (Flickerfest);
5° Austria :
-Vienna Festival (Viennale);
6° Belgium:
Brussels Short Film Festival (Oh ce court!);
-Festival du film francophone de Namur;
-Brussels Animation Festival (Anima);
-Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival;
7° Brazil:
-Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival (Curta Cinema);
-Anima Mundi-International Animated Film Festival;
8° Burkina Faso :
-Fespaco ;
9° Canada:
Montreal Film Festival (Nouveau Cinéma);
-Montreal Fantasia International Film Festival;
-Ottawa International Animation Film Festival;
-Toronto International Film Festival;
10° South Korea:
-Busan International Film Festival;
11° Croatia:
-Zagreb Animated Film Festival (Animafest);
12° Denmark:
-Odense International Film Festival;
-Copenhagen International Film Festival (CPH: DOX);
13° Scotland:
-Edinburgh International Film Festival;
14° United Arab Emirates :
-Dubai Festival;
15° Spain:
Stiges Fantastic Film Festival;
– Bilbao International Documentary and Short Film Festival;
-Valencia International Film Festival (La Cabina);
16th United States:
Aspen Independent Film Festival;
-Palm Springs International Film Festival;
-Sundance Film Festival;
-Cleveland Film Festival;
-Rhode Island International Film Festival;
-New York Tribeca Festival;
17th Finland:
-Tampere Film Festival;
18° Ireland:
-Cork Film Festival (Corona);
19° Italy:
-Venice International Film Festival;
20° Japan:
Hiroshima International Animation Film Festival;
-Tokyo International Film Festival (Short Shorts);
-Sapporo Festival;
21° Netherlands:
Rotterdam International Film Festival;
-Nijmegen Go Short Festival;
-Amsterdam Documentary Film Festival (IDFA);
22° Poland:
-Krakow International Short Film and Documentary Festival;
23° Portugal:
Espinho International Animation Film Festival (Cinanima);
-Lisbon IndieLisboa Festival;
-Vila do Conde Festival;
-Lisbon International Documentary Film Festival (Doclisboa);
24th Czech Republic:
-Anifest Animation Festival in Teplice;
-Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival;
25° Russia:
-St Petersburg International Festival of Documentary, Short and Animated Films (Message to Man);
26th Sweden:
-Uppsala International Short Film Festival;
27° Switzerland:
Festival de Nyon-Visions du réel;
-Locarno International Film Festival (Leopards of Tomorrow);
-Wintherthur Festival;
-Neuchâtel Fantastic Film Festival (NIFFF).
IV-2.7. List of associations taken into account for the allocation of post-production grants
(Article 411-88)
I.-Associations whose purpose is to reward cinematographic creation :
Académie des Arts et Techniques du Cinéma (Pre-selection);
-Les Lutins du court métrage (Pre-selection);
-Prix Jean Vigo (Winner).
II -Associations whose purpose is to promote and encourage the distribution of feature-length cinematographic works:
-Agence du court métrage, as part of the Extra Court scheme (Selection).
IV-3. Automatic financial assistance for the theatrical release of short cinematographic and audiovisual works
IV-3.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for a direct grant
(Articles 412-2 et seq.)
Distribution agreement:
1° The distribution mandate for the work(s);
2° A video copy of the work(s).
IV-4. Selective financial aid for innovation in creative documentaries
IV-4.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for writing assistance
(Articles 421-8 et seq.)
1° An extended synopsis;
2° A note of intent from the author(s);
3° Where the project is based on a pre-existing work, an indication of the title, the author and, where applicable, the publisher, as well as a letter from the rights holder authorising the audiovisual adaptation of the work;
4° Where appropriate, additional artistic elements;
5° Where appropriate, if the project is already supported by a production company, a brief presentation of that company;
6° Curriculum vitae of the author(s);
7° A photocopy of an identity document for the author(s).
IV-4.2. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for development aid
(Articles 421-12 et seq.)
1° Notification from the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée of the decision to award writing aid for the project;
2° The audiovisual production contracts concluded with the writer(s) and director;
3° A summary of the project;
4° The synopsis and the note of intent communicated as part of the application for writing aid that was granted ;
5° A note detailing the work and steps to be taken to develop the project and the phases of development;
6° A detailed estimate of development costs, showing the costs for each item;
7° A financing plan for the development of the project;
8° A detailed presentation of the production company’s activities;
9° The director’s curriculum vitae indicating whether or not he/she has already directed one or more documentaries and, if applicable, the curriculum vitae of the members of the proposed artistic team.
IV-4.3 Supporting documents to be attached to an application for enhanced development aid
(Articles 421-18 et seq.)
1° A note of intent from the author(s);
2° The screenplay;
3° The curriculum vitae of the author(s) and director;
4° If applicable, a brief presentation of the production company;
5° Any additional artistic elements deemed relevant (previous films, location scouting or initial filming elements (up to 30 minutes), photographs, etc.).
To enable the project to be examined by the commission, the following documents must be attached:
1° Audiovisual production contracts signed with the writer(s) and director(s); if the project is accepted, these contracts must be entered in the Public Film and Audiovisual Register;
2° A statement of intent from the production company setting out its development and production strategy;
3° A detailed presentation of the production company’s activities, together with the curriculum vitae of the person responsible for overseeing the project;
4° A detailed estimate of development costs, showing the costs for each item;
5° A financing plan for the development of the project;
6° Any co-production contracts;
7° A list of technical creative collaborators and technical service providers.
IV-5. Selective financial assistance for the creation and distribution of works dealing with population diversity and equal opportunities
IV-5.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for writing assistance
(Articles 422-10 et suivants)
I.-.Administrative file:
1° A detailed curriculum vitae of the author(s);
2° A photocopy of an identity document of the author(s);
3° A list of previous works making the application admissible, together with supporting documents (decision granting a cinematographic exhibition visa, distribution contract, rights assignment contract for all types of broadcasts, contract with the organiser of a festival, etc.) and a medium (DVD, link to a website, etc.).4° Where the project is based on a pre-existing work, an indication of the title, the author and, where applicable, the publisher, as well as the contract or any equivalent document from the rights holder authorising the audiovisual adaptation of the work;
5° Where applicable, any documentary evidence of public or private funding.
II.Artistic file:
1° A summary of three to five lines;
2° An extended synopsis or treatment;
3° A note of intent from the writer(s) and/or director(s) and, where applicable, a note of intent to direct:
a) For projects involving animated works, the note specifies the artistic approach to the narrative and graphic development of the project, and must be accompanied by graphic elements;
b) For projects involving immersive or interactive works, the note specifies the artistic choices and creative challenges specific to the medium(s) chosen;
4° A general presentation of the project in relation to the theme of diversity (theme, situation, characters, issues, etc.).):
a) For audiovisual series projects, the note must be accompanied by a one-page concept, also specifying the format, target audience, technique and type of narrative (looped, serial, etc.); b) For audiovisual series projects, the note must be accompanied by a one-page concept, also specifying the format, target audience, technique and type of narrative (looped, serial, etc.).);
b) For immersive or interactive projects, the brief must specify the main artistic elements of the project: concept and narrative choices, in line with the chosen medium(s) and target audience(s);
5° If applicable, the list of people collaborating on the script (co-writers or consultants);
6° Any additional artistic elements required for the project. For immersive or interactive projects, a literary and graphic dossier developing the concept, setting out the writing elements specific to the project genre, the graphic bible for animation, and any script elements illustrating the storytelling principles;
7° Any additional artistic elements deemed relevant.
IV-5.2. Supporting documents to be attached in support of an application to the development of projects
(Articles 422-17 et suivants)
I.-.Administrative file :
1° A brief presentation of the company;
2° The detailed curriculum vitae of the writer(s) and/or director(s);
3° Where the project is based on a pre-existing work, an indication of the title, the author and, where applicable, the publisher, as well as the contract or any equivalent document from the rights holder authorising the audiovisual adaptation of the work;
4° Any co-production contract entered into with another French or foreign company;
5° Service contracts and their appendices and any amendments;
6° Contracts with the authors, as well as the contract with the technical director in the case of location scouting work;
7° Where applicable, development contracts with broadcasters and their appendices, or failing this, letters of commitment with figures specifying the nature of the contributions;
8° Any documentary evidence of public or private funding;
9° A simplified estimate and development financing plan listing the various grants already received and their share of the project’s overall financing, as well as, for immersive or interactive projects, showing any expenditure relating to each medium.
II.Artistic dossier:
1° A summary of three to five lines;
2° An extended synopsis or treatment;
3° A statement of intent from the author(s) and/or director(s) and, where applicable, the director(s):
a) For animated projects, the statement specifies the artistic approach to the narrative and graphic development of the project, and is accompanied by graphic elements;
b) For immersive or interactive projects, the statement specifies the main artistic elements of the project: concept and narrative choices, in line with the chosen medium(s) and target audience(s);
4° A general presentation of the project in relation to the theme of diversity (theme, situation, characters, issues, etc.).):
a) For audiovisual series projects, attach the one-page concept, specifying the format, target audience, technique and type of narrative (looped, serial, etc.);
b) For immersive or interactive work projects, the note specifies the main artistic elements of the project: concept and narrative choices, in line with the chosen medium(s) and target audience(s);
5° If applicable, the script. For audiovisual series projects, attach scripts for episodes already written and a summary of subsequent episodes;
6° Any artistic elements required by the genre of the project:
a) For animated work projects, provide the graphic elements;
b) For immersive or interactive work projects, a literary and graphic dossier developing the concept, setting out the writing elements specific to the project genre, the graphic bible for animation, and any script elements illustrating the storytelling principles;
7° Any additional artistic elements deemed relevant, in particular, if applicable, the list of the director’s previous works with a medium (DVD, VIMEO link or equivalent with access code);
8° Where applicable, the list of people who collaborated on writing the screenplay (co-writers or consultants).
IV-5.3. Supporting documents to be attached in support of an application for production aid
(Articles 422-21 et suivants)
I.-.Administrative file :
1° A brief presentation of the company;
2° The detailed curriculum vitae of the writer(s) and/or director(s);
3° Where the project is based on a pre-existing work, an indication of the title, the author and, where applicable, the publisher, as well as the contract or any equivalent document from the rights holder authorising the audiovisual adaptation of the work;
4° Any co-production contract entered into with another French or foreign company;
5° Service contracts and their appendices and any amendments;
6° Contracts with the authors, as well as the contract with the technical director in the case of location scouting work;
7° Where applicable, development contracts with broadcasters and their appendices, or failing this, letters of commitment with figures specifying the nature of the contributions;
8° Any documentary evidence of public or private funding;
9° A simplified production estimate and financial plan listing the various grants already received and their share in the overall funding of the project, and, for immersive or interactive works, showing, where applicable, the expenditure relating to each of the media.
II.Artistic dossier:
1° A summary of three to five lines;
2° An extended synopsis;
3° A note of production intent:
a) For animated works, the note specifies the artistic approach to the narrative and graphic development of the project;
b) For immersive or interactive works, the note specifies the main artistic elements of the project: concept and narrative choices, in line with the chosen medium(s) and target audience(s);
4° A general presentation of the project in relation to the theme of diversity (theme, situation, characters, issues, etc.).):
a) For audiovisual series, attach a one-page concept, specifying the format, target audience, technique and type of narrative (looped, serial, etc.); b) For audiovisual series, attach a one-page concept, specifying the format, target audience, technique and type of narrative (looped, serial, etc.).);
b) For immersive or interactive works, the note must specify the main artistic elements of the project: concept and narrative choices, in line with the chosen medium(s) and target audience(s);
c) For video games, the note must specify the chosen platform (Console, PC, Mac, etc.), the type and genre of game;
5° The script. For audiovisual series, attach the scripts for all episodes;
6° Any artistic elements required by the genre of the project:
a) For animated works, provide the graphic bible;
b) For immersive or interactive works, provide a literary and graphic dossier developing the concept, outlining the writing elements specific to the project genre, the graphic bible for animation and, any script elements illustrating the storytelling principles;
c) For video games, a description of the concept (gameplay, graphic universe and game design), market positioning, a description of technical or creative innovations and a presentation of tools and methodology;
7° Any additional artistic elements deemed relevant, in particular, if applicable, the list of the director’s previous works with a medium (DVD, VIMEO link or equivalent with its access code).
IV-5.4. Supporting documents to be attached in support of an application for theatrical distribution aid
(Articles 422-25 et seq.)
I.-.Administrative file:
1° A brief presentation of the company;
2° The detailed curriculum vitae of the director(s);
3° Proof of distribution of the work (cinematographic exhibition visa, distribution contract, contract with the organiser of a festival, any contract for the transfer of distribution rights and their appendices and any amendments, etc.), as well as the certificate of accreditation of the director(s).), as well as the certificate of registration of distribution contracts in the public film and audiovisual register;
4° Any documentary evidence of public or private funding;
5° A simplified estimate and financing plan for distribution, listing the various grants already received and their share of the overall funding for the project.
II – Artistic dossier:
1° A summary of three to five lines;
2° An extended synopsis;
3° A note setting out the theatrical distribution strategy for the work;
4° A general presentation of the project in relation to the theme of diversity (theme, situation, characters, issues, etc.);
5° Any additional artistic elements;
6° The medium (DVD and VIMEO link or equivalent with access code).
IV-5.5. Supporting documents to be attached in support of an application for support for video publishing
(Articles 422-29 et seq.)
I.-.Administrative file :
1° A brief presentation of the company;
2° The detailed curriculum vitae of the director(s);
3° The video publishing rights assignment contract and, for cinematographic works, the certificate of registration of the contract in the public cinema and audiovisual register;
4° Any documentary evidence of public or private funding;
5° A simplified estimate and funding plan for the video edition, listing the various grants already received and their share of the overall funding for the project.
II – Artistic dossier:
1° A summary of three to five lines;
2° An extended synopsis;
3° A general presentation of the project in relation to the theme of diversity (theme, situation, characters, issues, etc.);
4° Any additional artistic elements;
5° The medium (DVD and VIMEO link or equivalent with access code).
IV-6. Selective financial assistance for the creation of works intended for digital platforms
IV-6.1. Supporting documents to be attached in support of an application for creation aid
(Articles 432-1 et suivants)
I.-.At the time of application:
1° A video presentation of no more than three minutes of the project(s);
2° The hyperlink(s) to the work(s) already produced;
3° Where applicable, proof of having won an award at a festival;
4° A written presentation of the author’s career, together with a curriculum vitae;
5° A copy of the applicant’s identity document if the applicant is an individual;
6° A detailed budget estimate for the project(s).
II – Within eighteen months of the decision to award the grant:
1° The hypertext link(s) to the work(s) produced;
2° An accounting document showing the detailed final cost of the project and the means of financing it.
IV-6.2. List of festivals taken into account for the allocation of creation grants
(Article 432-3)
-Festival Tout Courts (Aix-en-Provence) ;
-Festival Itinérances (Alès) ;
-Festival International du Film de Comédie (Alpe D’Huez) ;
-Festival Premiers Plans (Angers);
Festival International du Film d’animation (Annecy) ;
-Festival International du Film (Aubagne) ;
-Festival Entrevues (Belfort) ;
-Festival Européen du Film Court (Brest) ;
-Festival du moyen métrage de Brive (Brive) ;
-5 jours Tout Court (Caen) ;
Festival International du Film (Cannes) ;
-Quinzaine des Réalisateurs (Cannes) ;
-Semaine Internationale de la Critique (Cannes) ;
-Festival International du Court Métrage (Clermont-Ferrand) ;
-Festival International de Films de Femmes (Créteil) ;
Festival de Cinéma (Douarnenez) ;
-Festival Cinématographique d’Automne (Gardanne) ;
-Festival international du film fantastique (Gérardmer) ;
-Rencontres Cinématographiques (Gindou) ;
-Festival du Court Métrage en plein air (Grenoble);
Plein la Bobine (La Bourboule) ;
-Rencontres audiovisuelles (Lille) ;
-Etats généraux du documentaire (Lussas) ;
-Festival International du documentaire (Marseille) ;
-Rencontres Européennes de Court Métrage (Metz);
Festival du Court Métrage d’Humour (Meudon) ;
-Festival International du Film Méditerranéen (Montpellier) ;
-Un festival c’est trop court (Nice) ;
-Festival international du Film Court (Pantin) ;
-Festival de films documentaires-Cinéma du réel (Paris);
Festival Paris Court Devant (Paris) ;
-Festival Silhouette (Paris) ;
-Festival Hors Pistes (Paris) ;
-Paris tout court (Paris) ;
-Festival européen du film fantastique (Strasbourg) ;
-Court Métrange (Rennes) ;
-Festival Off-courts (Trouville);
Festival du Film Court (Villeurbanne) ;
-Mobile Film Festival ;
-Nikon Film Festival ;
-48 Hour Film Project-Faire un film en 48H ;
-I Love Transmedia/ Cross Video Days ;
-Paris Virtual Film Festival ;
-Marseille Web Fest ;
-Web program Festival.
IV-7. Selective financial support for the enrichment and editorial development of digital channel programmes
IV-7.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for programme enhancement and editorial support
(Articles 433-1 et seq)
I.-.When applying for support:
1° A maximum three-minute video presentation of the project;
2° A written presentation of the digital channel’s editorial and financial strategy;
3° A link to the digital channel(s) already created;
4° Where applicable, proof of having won an award at a festival;
5° A detailed provisional budget for the project;
6° A financing plan for the project.
II – No later than eighteen months after the decision to award the grant:
1° Hyperlinks to the digital channel and the works produced;
2° An accounting document showing the detailed final cost of the project showing eligible expenditure and the means of financing it.
IV-8. Selective financial support for authors
IV-8.1. Supporting documents to be attached to an application for support for authors’ careers
(Articles 441-1 et seq.)
1° A statement of intent setting out the project, the corresponding work plan and how it fits in with the career of the author(s) (maximum five pages);
2° A curriculum vitae of the author(s);
3° A copy of the identity document of the author(s);
4° Proof of the artistic experience of the author(s);
5° Where appropriate, additional visual material (five pages of illustrations and a maximum of three minutes of video);
6° A declaration on honour of de minimis aid received.