The decisions mentioned in articles R. 712-6 and R. 712-7 are tacitly approved by the supervisory authority on expiry of a period of two months from the date of receipt by the supervisory authority of the resolution adopting them and the corresponding documents, in the absence of express approval or opposition notified to the establishment within this period. Rejection decisions shall state the reasons on which they are based.
When the supervisory authority requests additional information or documents from the institution in writing, or refers a request for expert appraisal to the economic and financial mission, the period referred to in the previous paragraph is suspended until the information or documents or the expert appraisal are produced. In the case of public service delegation agreements relating to airports or ports, this period is also suspended, where the delegator’s opinion is required, until such opinion is given.
With regard to deliberations deciding on aid or aid schemes for companies, in the event that the aid scheme or proposed aid must be notified to the European Union, the time limit for approval of the deliberation is suspended until the date of receipt by the supervisory authority of the decision of the European Union authorities.