The Chairman of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée is appointed for a term of three years, renewable twice. He manages the institution. In this capacity :
1° He prepares the decisions of the Board of Directors and ensures that they are implemented;
2° He is the authorising officer for revenue and expenditure;
3° He organises the establishment;
4° He/she has authority over all the school’s departments and staff. He manages the staff. He recruits contract staff. He assigns staff to the various departments;
5° He appoints the members of the committees mentioned in 5° of Article R. 112-4 ;
6° It takes individual decisions on the allocation of financial aid;
7° It decides on acquisitions and decides on the deposits mentioned in 5° of article L. 111-2 in accordance with the guidelines defined by the Board of Directors in application of 4° of article R. 112-4 ;
8° He represents the institution in legal proceedings and in all civil acts and concludes settlements;
9° He signs agreements binding the institution; he is the authority responsible for awarding public contracts;
10° He chairs the Technical Committee and the Health and Safety Committee.