Within each category, advancement in step shall be from one step to the next higher step.
The maximum number of servants eligible for advancement to the next higher grade in their category shall be determined by applying an advancement rate to the number of servants in each category who satisfy the conditions for such advancement. The number of staff in each category is determined on 31 December of the year preceding the year in respect of which the promotion to the next higher grade is decided. The promotion rate is set by decision of the Chairman of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée.
Within the limit of the quota provided for in the second paragraph, promotion to a higher grade is decided by the Chairman of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, on the basis of the staff member’s performance, by entry on an annual promotion list.
The conditions of length of service and step reached in order to be eligible for promotion to a higher grade, assessed on 1st January of the year in which the promotion table is drawn up, are set for each category as follows:
a) For the upper grade of category 1 “Head of Department” : eight years’ actual service in this category or in a category of the same level and having reached step 8;
b) For the higher grade in category 1: eight years’ actual service in this category or in a category of the same level and having reached step 8;
c) For the higher grade in category 2: eight years’ actual service in this category or in a category of the same level and having reached step 7;
d) For the higher grade in category 3: eight years’ actual service in this category or in a category at the same level and having reached step 7.