With the exception of the management posts mentioned in article R. 113-3, contract staff are divided into the following four job categories:
1° Category 1 “Head of Department” includes staff who perform middle management duties and are responsible for a department involved in the design, development and implementation of public policies in the institution’s areas of competence.
These employees may be entrusted with tasks, studies or duties involving specific and highly technical expertise, as well as responsibilities that are particularly important for the proper performance of the institution’s tasks;
This category comprises a normal grade with ten steps and a higher grade with seven steps including a special step.
The number of posts in the special step of the higher grade may not exceed 20% of the posts in category 1 “head of department” of the higher grade;
2° Category 1 comprises employees who design, draw up and implement public policies in the institution’s areas of responsibility.
These employees may also be entrusted with missions, studies or duties involving expertise or complex tasks of significant importance to the institution. They may also be called upon to carry out local management duties, consisting of coordinating and leading one or more teams and monitoring and evaluating them.
This category comprises a normal grade with ten steps and a higher grade with ten steps;
3° Category 2 comprises:
a) Employees who participate in the development and adaptation of the methods and techniques required to carry out preventive conservation and film restoration operations as well as specialised building maintenance operations;
b) Employees who participate in administrative, budgetary and accounting tasks and assist in the drafting of legal documents. They may also carry out certain complex tasks involving the analysis, monitoring and control of systems or coordinate projects.
These staff may be called upon to coordinate and lead the activities of a team.
This category comprises a normal grade with ten steps and a higher grade with nine steps;
4° Category 3 comprises staff who contribute to the performance of administrative, technical or scientific tasks.
This category comprises a normal grade with nine steps and a higher grade with nine steps.