Posts to be filled in categories 1 “head of department”, 1 and 2 are also open to contract employees of the establishment who hold one of the qualifications or diplomas required in article R. 113-4 for each of these categories or who can prove:
1° For category 1 “head of department” posts, that they have completed nine years’ actual service in category 1 or in a post at the same level and have demonstrated their ability to perform the duties and assume the level of responsibility required;
2° For category 1 posts, that they have completed seven years’ actual service in category 2 or in a post at the same level and have demonstrated their ability to perform the duties and assume the level of responsibility required;
3° For category 2 posts, they must have completed seven years’ actual service in category 3 or in a post of the same level and have demonstrated their ability to perform the duties and assume the level of responsibility required.