In the event of an appeal, an application may be made to the First President of the Court of Appeal for a stay of execution of decisions taken by the enforcement judge. The application is made by means of a summary proceedings summons delivered to the opposing party and notified, where applicable, to the third party in whose hands the seizure has been carried out.
The application for a stay of execution suspends the proceedings until the day on which the order is made by the First President, if the contested decision has not called into question the continuation of the proceedings; it extends the effects of the attachment and the precautionary measures if the contested decision has ordered the release of the measure.
The stay of execution is granted only if there are serious grounds for setting aside or altering the decision referred to the court.
The First President may order the author of a manifestly abusive application for a stay of execution to pay a civil fine of up to 10,000 euros, without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed.
The First President’s decision is not subject to appeal.