Deeds, deliberations or decisions amending the documents filed at the time of incorporation shall be filed within one month of their date after, where applicable, publication of the notice provided for in Article R. 210-9 or to the article 24 of decree no. 78-704 of 3 July 1978 relating to the application of the loi n° 78-9 du 4 janvier 1978 modifiant le titre IX du livre III du code civil.
An updated copy of the articles of association or the grouping contract drawn up on plain paper and certified as true by the legal representative or by any person authorised by the texts governing the form of the company in question to carry out this certification is attached.
The report of the conversion auditor, or as the case may be the statutory auditor, relating to the conversion of a company into a joint-stock company shall be filed at least eight days before the date of the meeting called to decide on the conversion or, in the case of a written consultation, eight days before the deadline set for the partners’ response.