When informed that a person fulfils the conditions for claiming the status of craftsman or artisan d’art, the president of the regional chamber of trades and crafts or, by delegation, the president of the departmental level chamber of trades and crafts requests from the keeper of the National Register of Companies, via the single body mentioned in Article R. 123-1, the entry of the mention of this status in the National Register of Companies. It proceeds in the same way when the status of craftsman or artisan d’art is awarded in accordance with articles 5 and 5 bis of Decree no. 98-247 of 2 April 1998 on craft qualifications and the trades and crafts sector or when the title of master craftsman or master craftsman in a craft provided for by Article 3 of the aforementioned decree is awarded to a natural person, including if that person is the manager of a registered legal person.