In application of the third paragraph of Article L. 123-52, the following authorities, administrations, legal entities and professions have access to all the information contained in the National Register of Companies, in order to carry out their duties:
1° Regional and departmental inter-ministerial directorates responsible for the economy, employment, labour, solidarity and population protection;
> Central services of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry
2° The central departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the regional and interdepartmental directorates for food, agriculture and forestry, the regional directorates for food, agriculture and forestry, the directorates for food, agriculture and forestry and the services and payment agency mentioned in article L. 313-1 of the Code rural et de la pêche maritime, the établissement national des produits de l’agriculture et de la mer mentioned in article L. 621-1 of the same code, the Corsican agricultural and rural development office referred to in article L. 112-11 of the same code and the agricultural development office for overseas departments referred to in article L. 696-1 of the same code;
3° Les directions départementales des territoires, les directions départementales des territoires et de la mer, la direction générale des territoires et de la mer;
> 4° La direction générale des finances publiques
4° The Directorate General of Public Finance;
> The Chairman of the High Council for the Economy and Finance
5° The chairman of the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes and its general rapporteur, any person directly involved in the work of the Haut Conseil whom they designate specifically for this purpose, as well as the auditors designated pursuant to Article R. 821-69 and the investigators authorised pursuant to Article R. 824-2;
6° Judicial commissioners, bailiffs and auctioneers;
7° Notaries;
Notary publics
8° Court-appointed administrators and agents;
8° bis Clerks of the commercial courts and of the judicial courts ruling on commercial matters;
9° Bodies responsible for managing a compulsory social security scheme or for collecting social security contributions;
10° The networks of chambers of commerce and industry, chambers of trade and craft trades and chambers of agriculture, for businesses within their remit;
> The Institut national de la recherche et de l’innovation (INRIA), for businesses within its remit.
11° The Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques;
> The Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques
12° The single body provided for in Article L. 123-33.