I.-If the formal notice remains without effect at the end of a period of one month from the date of its notification, the Director General of Pôle emploi may issue the constraint provided for in Article L. 1235-4.
II – The enforcement order is served on the debtor by any means that gives a certain date of receipt or is served on the debtor by a bailiff’s deed. On pain of nullity, the notification shall include:
1° The reference of the constraint;
2° The reference of the judgment ordering ex officio the reimbursement by the offending employer of all or part of the unemployment benefits;
3° Proof of receipt of the formal notice referred to in article R. 1235-2;
4° The reason, nature and amount of the sums claimed and the periods covered by the payments giving rise to recovery;
5° The time limit within which the objection must be lodged;
6° The address of the court with jurisdiction to rule on the objection and the forms required for its referral;
7° The fact that if the objection is not lodged within the time limit specified in article R. 1235-4, the debtor may no longer contest the claim and may be forced to pay it by all legal means.
The bailiff shall notify the creditor organisation of the date of service within eight days.