The decision of the Minister for Research or, where applicable, the joint decision of the Minister for Research and the Director General of the Regional Health Agency is notified to the applicant within three months of the date on which the application is deemed to be complete. If there is no response within this period, this will be deemed to be an implicit rejection decision.
The Minister responsible for research and, where applicable, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency assess, in particular, whether the conditions of supply, conservation and use of tissues and cells from the human body and their derivatives offer sufficient guarantees to ensure compliance with the provisions of Title I of Book II of Part One of this Code, the rules in force regarding health and safety at work for people carrying out a professional activity on the site and the provisions applicable to environmental protection. They also assess the quality of the information provided to the persons from whom the biological elements are obtained, the procedures for obtaining their consent or the procedures for verifying the absence of opposition and the ethical and scientific relevance of the proposed activity.
The Minister for Research and, where appropriate, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, may request any additional information they consider necessary. This information may include financial and accounting data relating to the applicant organisation. In the event of a request for additional information, the deadlines mentioned in the first paragraph of this article are suspended until the additional information has been provided.