The prior declaration of a freelance administration business provided for in Article L. 1254-27 must include the following information:
1° An indication of the planned operation: creation of a freelance administration business, opening of a branch, agency or sub-office, relocation of the registered office or cessation of activity;
2° The name, registered office and legal status of the company and, where applicable, the location of the branch, agency or branch office;
3° The effective date of the proposed transaction;
4° The surnames, first names, residences and nationalities of the directors of the company or of the branch, agency or sub-office concerned;
5° The name of the organisation to which the freelance administration company pays social security contributions and its employer number;
6° The geographical and professional areas in which the company intends to carry its employees;
7° The number of permanent employees that the company employs or intends to employ to ensure the operation of its own services.