I.-The use of ionising radiation on the human body is reserved for doctors and dental surgeons who can prove that they have the skills required to perform procedures using ionising radiation and, under the conditions defined in article L. 4351-1, for medical electroradiology technicians.
Healthcare professionals who have received appropriate training in the medical use of ionising radiation may be involved in the procedures for performing the acts.
II – The optimisation process is implemented by the persons performing the procedure and the medical radiation technologists, drawing on the expertise of the medical physicists.
In radiotherapy, the other professionals involved in implementing the optimisation process receive appropriate training in dose planning.
In nuclear medicine, pharmacists, the persons mentioned in Article L. 5126-3 and medical electroradiology manipulators, under the conditions set out in this article, are involved in the optimisation process as necessary.
III – The roles of the various professionals involved in the optimisation process are formalised in the quality assurance system referred to in Article R. 1333-70.
IV-All the professionals mentioned in this article receive ongoing training in the radiation protection of patients as defined in II of Article R. 1333-69.