The information concerning medical devices emitting ionising radiation provided for in article L. 1333-25 is sent by suppliers, where applicable, by electronic means, to the purchaser of the medical device.
They include the following information
1° The name or trade name of the medical device, its risk class ;
2° The name, company name or registered trademark of the manufacturer, the address of its registered office and contact details; where applicable, the same information concerning the authorised representative;
3° The date on which this information was drawn up and its version number;
4° The intended users and the training required for them;
5° Information on residual risks, any undesirable effects and any precautions for use;
6° A description of the medical device including, where appropriate, a reference to the previous model and a description of the modifications made;
7° A summary of the results of the clinical evaluation mentioned in Article R. 5211-36-1.
Any significant change to any of the above elements shall be notified without delay by the supplier to the purchaser of the medical device.