I – In the event of a radiological emergency, the representative of the State in the département shall be ready to implement measures to protect the population based on forecasts of exposure to ionising radiation and the health consequences thereof.
II – Taking into account the information provided by the person responsible for the nuclear activity in question or by the emergency services, the representative of the State in the department decides to implement :
1° All or part of the protective measures in accordance with the provisions of articles R. 1333-81 and R. 1333-82 ;
2° The emergency plan provided for in Chapter I of Title IV of Book VII of the Internal Security Code.
III – The representative of the State in the department receives support from the Nuclear Safety Authority under the conditions set out in article L. 592-32 of the Environment Code, the Regional Health Agency with territorial jurisdiction for health assessment and the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Delegate for defence-related installations and activities mentioned in Article L. 1333-15 of the Defence Code, as well as the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire.
It uses the data provided by the person responsible for the nuclear activity and the assessment resources made available to it by the relevant ministerial departments and the bodies under their supervision, at both local and national level. The latter shall provide it, as soon as possible, with information and advice, in particular information concerning the distribution in time and space of radioactive substances likely to be dispersed and the resulting potential exposure to ionising radiation for the population and workers involved, enabling it to assess the situation and its potential development and to implement appropriate measures to protect the population.
IV – As soon as possible, the representative of the State in the department informs the population of the radiological emergency situation, the behaviour to adopt and the health protection measures applicable. This information is updated and distributed regularly and whenever significant changes occur. An order issued by the ministers responsible for radiation protection, the interior and civil security, after obtaining the opinion of the Nuclear Safety Authority, specifies the conditions for informing the public and the content and frequency of messages.
V.-Where the situation so requires, the representative of the State in the département, in conjunction with the regional health agency with territorial jurisdiction, shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the people affected receive medical care. Where necessary, the representative prepares and initiates actions to manage situations of long-term exposure resulting from a radiological emergency, as provided for in articles R. 1333-92 to R. 1333-94.
VI – In order to comply with international obligations in terms of notification, exchange of information, assessment, coordination of measures to protect individuals, public information and assistance, the representative of the State in the département informs the ministers responsible for nuclear safety, radiation protection and foreign affairs and the Nuclear Safety Authority or, in the case covered by article L. 1333-15 of the Defence Code, the nuclear safety and radiation protection delegate for defence-related installations and activities of its decisions. In liaison with the ministerial departments concerned, it implements, where applicable, bilateral agreements with border States.