Before commencing their activities, commercial agents must be registered in a special register held at the clerk’s office of the commercial court within whose jurisdiction they are domiciled. They shall produce a declaration to this effect, a receipt for which shall be issued to them.
As an exception to the provisions of the previous paragraph, in the departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle the special register for the registration of commercial agents is kept for the extent of the jurisdiction of each judicial court at the registry of the judicial courts of Colmar, Metz, Mulhouse, Sarreguemines, Saverne, Strasbourg and Thionville.
When a declaration transmitted via the computer service mentioned in Article R. 123-30-14 is referred to the court clerk, the clerk exchanges information with the latter under the conditions set out in Article R. 123-30-18.
Any fact likely to modify any of the particulars appearing on the declaration of registration shall be the subject of a declaration.
The provisions of 3° of Article R. 123-46 shall apply to amending entries made in the special register referred to in the first paragraph.
The application for an amending entry relating to assets allocated to a professional activity shall be submitted by the commercial agent or by the persons mentioned in articles L. 526-15 and L. 526-17, via the single body. The application relating to the transfer to a sole trader or a legal entity of the affected assets, or its contribution to a company, is submitted by the transferor or contributor, through the intermediary of the single body.
The documents attesting to the completion of the formalities provided for in articles L. 526-9 and L. 526-11 in the event of the assignment of new assets or the withdrawal of assigned assets subsequent to the creation of the assigned assets shall be filed within one month of the assignment or withdrawal. The registrar shall send a copy of these documents to the tax department to which the commercial agent is subject within fifteen days of their filing.
The obligation to declare provided for in the first paragraph does not apply to commercial agents who, being domiciled abroad and having no establishment in France, only temporarily and occasionally carry out their activity on French territory.