Any healthcare professional, regardless of where or how they practice, or any legal representative of a healthcare establishment, medico-social service establishment or independent cosmetic surgery facility, or the person they have appointed for this purpose, who observes a serious adverse event associated with healthcare, must report it to the Director General of the Regional Health Agency using the form provided for in article R. 1413-70.
A healthcare professional who informs the legal representative of the healthcare establishment or medico-social establishment or service in which he practises in writing of the occurrence of a serious adverse event associated with healthcare in this establishment or service is deemed to have fulfilled his obligation to report as provided for in Article L. 1413-14.
The first paragraph is without prejudice to the compulsory declarations provided for in articles L. 1123-10, L. 1211-7-1, L. 1221-13, L. 1333-3, L. 1340-4, L. 5121-25, L. 5212-2, L. 5222-3 and R. 1413-79 as well as the declaration to the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé of adverse events related to a product mentioned in article L. 5311-1.
The declaration of serious adverse events is equivalent to a declaration under article L. 331-8-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles.